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Outlook & Future Plans

 Continue Gold Production Expansion


Currently, the Group is capable of processing approximately 1.2 million tonnes of ores per annum. Going forward, it intends to increase its leaching capacity and further enhance its gold recovery process with the aim of increasing gold production.

 Cost Optimization Programs


The Group is always streamlining its production process to reduce wastage of raw material thereby reducing gold production cost to further enhance profitability.

In addition, CNMC is also leveraging economies of scale from increased production capacity to lower material costs from key suppliers.

 Accelerate Exploration Activities


To increase gold resources and reserves in Sokor Gold Project.

To increase silver, lead and zinc resources and reserves in Sokor Gold Project.

 Portfolio Expansion Programs


To explore opportunities in the acquisition and development of other mining projects in Malaysia and highly prospective exploration and mining projects located in SE Asia and Australasia.

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